Tuesday, October 27, 2009


First day of work went well. I met up with Diston (the College of Medicine Librarian) in the morning and we set out our priorities for the week. These are:
  • getting the A-Z list up and running
  • sharing experiences of information literacy teaching, especially now that they have much more self-directed and problem-based learning
  • reviewing the Reference Section and discussing what is useful and what not
  • looking at the Library's input into the new VLE, including useful links and RSS feeds
  • looking at the new Library and the needs that they have for that
I met Diana, the Deputy Librarian for the first time as she was on maternity leave the last time we were out. The three of us went for a hard-hat tour of the new Library. It is quite extraordinarily huge and beautifully designed. Diston has an office to die for with windows running down two sides and views of the mountain from one. The functions of all the rooms aren't totally decided yet, but it looks like it will be finished in the Spring. Photos are still on my camera, will post later.


Sunday saw us going to a wildlife park, somewhere south east of Blantyre ( I think) - I will have to get the name and place and add it in.

Long journey down and a bit bumpy. We didn’t see a whole lot of animals, or maybe I am just getting blasé as we certainly saw a lot of antelopes. We did see a lot of different birds and I was delighted to find out that Susie is a bird expert so could name them all. Here’s some pics:

In the evening we met up with the A Team and went out for a surprisingly good meal at a little hotel near here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Day

Had a few hours kicking around Jo’burg airport. All their signage was out of order which made it a bit of an adventure trying to find out the departure gate. We met up with a couple more of our party at the gate and then got on the flight for Blantyre. As usual, the mood on the Malawi-bound plane was completely different to the other ones we got on. Much jollity and good humour with people catching up with old friends. They aren’t like any other flight I’ve been on. Flight was good and then there was the usual hanging around the airport with everyone trying to find a place to fill in their paperwork. Then mysterious stamping and handing over bits of paper to various officials. Good news was that all our luggage arrived. A first, I think! A College car took us to the hotel where we checked in and then spent the afternoon recovering from lack of sleep.

At five we had a couple of hours worth of meeting discussing what we want to do this week, who we need to talk to etc.

Briefly met up with the Edinburgh University Team who have been working with the A Team last week and are just finishing off. The A Team stay at a posher hotel, we but the Edinburgh lot were in ours.

The dinner menu has expanded to include an Indian menu, which was very good. They’d baked a cake for David as it was his birthday and one of the waitresses too. It was very sweet!

Was just doing a bit of interneting before bed when the power went, so I am writing this by candle light and will have to post this tomorrow.

Picture is of my afternoon Fanta by the pool. :)

(I do seem to be a day behind at the moment, apologies.)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flight to South Africa

(Written this morning. Have just safely arrived at the hotel and am off for a swim. Very hot and sunny! :))

After the spectacular flight in last night to Heathrow over central London with ‘God clouds’ lighting up the Thames we got another treat with spectacular electrical storms over Central Africa. I think the guy in the seat in front of me and I were the only two people who saw it as most people were asleep and with the blinds down. The whole sky was lit up at its peak, stunning and a little bit scary. There was also a fantastic blood red sunrise as well. I didn’t get more than a couple of hours sleep though. Too uncomfortable. They just tried to scam me in the chemists by charging me $28 for some mouthwash and insect repellent. Maybe my maths has let me down, but I don’t think it sounds right.

The weather is beautifully warm and sunny and it is lovely to see the swallows again. We’ve now got a 2-hour wait until the next flight up to Blantyre.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Jason Thompson, our Electronic Systems Manager, has been a real star and has finally got the A-Z listing up and running. Now all we have to do is populate it with the complete 6279 articles that they have access to. OK, so that might not be possible before Friday! We are using the Cufts Open Source Serials Management System. There is supposed to be a knowledge base of journals to download, but so far we haven't been able to. I think I may have to go to the forums for help.

Now all we have to do is to try and replicate it in Malawi.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Falkland Estate

Falkland Estate - was up walking around Falkland yesterday and saw this sign saying that they are now selling Malawian Coffee. David had said last year that he had arranged it but cool to see.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Malawi windmill boy

This story is so moving, I loved the bit when he said he discovered the internet and was able to Google Windmills.

Going to have to read that book!

2009 Visit

Just three weeks to go, it has crept up so quickly and I am not ready yet, work-wise. :( There is so much more I wanted to get done before going out in preparation of installing the new A-Z.